FAQ – Horoscope reading and Astrological Birth Chart predictions.

Frequently asked questions about Horoscope reading and Astrological birth chart prediction by the online horoscope community of Horoscope Look.

Frequently Asked Questions for Horoscope Prediction.

1. Whether the Astro or Astrology predictions can assure the events of my life.?
No, they cannot, but a perfect Astro or Astrology prediction can give an outline of your life like how such events of your life may be.

2. How accurate is this horoscopelook.com prediction?
The accuracy of prediction about your horoscope chart depends on the accuracy of the date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth. So accurate time and date give the best predictions. Even a five-minute wrong time may give wrong predictions. So we request you to provide an accurate time of birth, date of birth and place of birth. The place of birth accuracy is a must to calculate the latitude and longitude of your birth chart.

3. How to get online horoscope predictions on horoscopelook.com?
You need to submit your details first. Then you need to activate your registration through the link you will receive in your email which you used during registration. Then your account may take some time to get approved by our admin.

Once it is approved, Our Astrology team will analyse and send a message to you towards their acceptance of your details and about their preparation of prediction. Such messages may reach you through SMS if Indian Mobile Number or through WhatsApp messenger if for other countries.

Once you acknowledge such a message, our astro experts will go through your questions and prepare the predictions and it will be informed to you with a payment link. Once you made the payment, you shall download your prediction.

If your question is not clear they may ask you to re-ask such questions, through WhatsApp or email.

4. How many horoscope prediction questions I can ask during registration?
You shall ask 7 Questions while you register and your horoscope chart prediction report will have answers for all those questions.

5. Will I get a printed horoscope chart for my birth details?
No. You will get only prediction reports. That is the answer to your questions only.

6. How to make payments for online horoscope prediction?
You shall make payments through GPay, bank’s debit cards, credit cards or through net banking. International users may need to pay through PayPal.

7. Whether my details secure with a horoscope look?
No one can see your details. Only the Astro team will use it for prediction purposes only. Your personal and confidential details like date of birth, time of birth and place of birth information are secure with us and they will not be shared with anyone at any time.