Online Astrology Predictions: Horoscope Reading Online by Birth Chart.

Get your Horoscope reading by birth chart astrology prediction online. No face-to-face meeting. No privacy issues. Just submit your birth details and get a Horoscope reading for your future questions.

We are providing Horoscope Predictions as per Indian Vedic Astrology (Hindu Astrology) as a freelance service

We undertake Horoscope Prediction as per Indian Vedic Astrology which is the very ancient method of astronomical computing by Rishis and Siddhas

At present, we are not delivering any birth charts and their related arithmetic information to our customers. We have a plan for the future, so Delivering Birth Charts or Preparing Horoscope Charts for permanent use by our customers is in the BETA stage.

But We are providing HOROSCOPE Predictions. Means… Once you have given your birth details, we prepare the chart at our ends to answer your questions on an Astrological basis. The Birth Start, Ascendant Location, and Zodiac information will be present in the Horoscope Prediction Report.

Users shall ask multiple numbers of questions to get answers as per Indian Vedic Astrology, which has a maximum limit of 30 Questions.

This prediction reports service is delivered to you on a professional charge basis where you may need to pay the charges online. In real-time, you will get the report once your payment is processed. Just a matter of 10 min.