Horoscope Prediction: Our Online horoscope reading

Provide your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth details and start to ask your questions. You will get answers and online horoscope predictions. In Horoscope look the horoscope reading and predictions differ from general horoscope reading astrologers. Just we predict for your questions and we do not deliver horoscope charts. You will get answers for your chart which is analysed by traditional astro experts.

Horoscope prediction style differs in our horoscope reading. It’s just for providing answers to the questions about the future. So we are avoiding unnecessary mathematical calculation summaries and horoscope charts in our prediction reports. We are not delivering any Horoscope Printable charts. But we are perfect in Prediction.

Predictions from Horoscope Look .com

When you like to get predictions from Horoscope Look .com you need to know how we are predicting a horoscope.  Step-by-step instructions are given below.

  • You can see Free service and Paid service. Choose any one
  • The difference between Free service and Paid service is the duration and depth of analysis of a Horoscope. Free prediction duration depends on the seniority of the request made to us. Paid service overrides that seniority.
  • Fill in the details in the given field of any service. Submit the Request.
  • You will get an acknowledgement mail if the Horoscope Look team is prepared to analyze the Birth Details Given by you. It’s not the end. It means Horoscope Look is accepting your request only.
  • After you get the acknowledgment email your Birth details will be taken for Astrological Analysis. Our Traditional Astrologers will analyze your Birth details and they will create the Horoscope chart to predict the answers to your question.
  • [Horoscope Look .com is just delivering PREDICTION REPORTS as digital goods in pdf format. But not the Horoscope Chart.]
  • We use Hindu Traditional Vedic Astrological Methods and your birth details will be analyzed with multiple visions and parameters.
  • After analysis, your Prediction report will be prepared in PDF file format and it will be ready for delivery with a payment link if you choose paid service and without a payment link if you choose free service.
  • Once the prediction report is ready, we will email with the Payment link, where you need to pay.
  • When you make a payment, you will get the payment receipt and your prediction report together.
  • A copy of your prediction report will also be sent to you on the next hour or next day of your payment. This is the same copy that you downloaded already when you made the payment.